Additional driver for your rental car

Yes, let's go on holiday! It’s time to explore a new destination and enjoy your new surroundings. Would you like to enjoy the scenery without having to pay attention to the road? Then the Additional driver service is the perfect solution. This way you can alternate driving with the rest of your travelling companions. How convenient!

What is the Additional driver service?

Would you like to alternate driving with a travel companion at your destination? We understand! That is why you can book a second driver in advance with the Additional Driver service. If you choose this service, you can arrange it in advance and the second driver will be included in the rental price. Always check the specific rental conditions, because sometimes more than one driver is included with this service. The name(s) of the additional driver(s) can be provided on the spot and every driver signs the rental contract. This way, all drivers are optimally insured and the 100% carefree adventures can start!

What are the advantages of the Additional driver service?

When you're driving around, you want to see all the beautiful sights of the destination. If you are driving the car, you obviously have to pay attention to the road. But you might just miss the beautiful landscape to your left or the breathtaking view to your right. Or maybe you just want to sit back and relax. Besides that, sitting behind the wheel for too long is neither comfortable nor wise.

Having an additional driver for your rental car is just great. If something happens, there is someone else who can take place behind the wheel. Or if you don't feel like being the driver for a day, just ask your travelling companion! With the Additional driver service, you can alternate driving so you can all enjoy the scenery.

Are you going out for dinner and want to enjoy beer or wine with the food? Then it's also convenient to alternate driving. That way, you can have a drink one night and your travelling companion can enjoy alcoholic refreshments another time.

How do you book the additional driver service?

When you enter your request on our website, you will see all the available rental cars. For each rental car you will see important information such as: where can I pick up the car? But also whether the additional driver is included. Is it not there? Then the additional driver is not yet included in the rental car. You can select this option in the left-hand column. This way you can easily book your rental car with an additional driver.

You can also book an additional driver without the service. You do this by indicating on the spot that you want to add an additonal driver. You can find the price in the specific rental conditions and you have to pay it on the spot. Of course, all drivers must bring valid identification and a valid driver's licence.

So are you going on holiday and want to see many places? Make sure you book the additional driver service. Then you can enjoy your all-in rental car to the fullest and without any worries.

Additional driver for your rental car