Error message during the credit card payment? Here's how to solve it.
You can pay your booking with your credit card. After you have made the reservation, you will receive an e-mail with the invoice and a link to our payment platform. Here you will first see a summary of your reservation. Then you will be directed to a page where you can enter your credit card details. After that, your credit card company will ask you to confirm the payment. For example with a code, app or fingerprint. It’s as easy as that! However, sometimes things go wrong because not everyone is used to the new two-step verification and ends the payment process too early. We would like to explain to you how it works and what you can do to successfully pay your reservation by credit card.
New: mandatory two-step verification
Since 1 January 2021, all online credit card payments above EUR 30 must be subject to two-step verification throughout Europe. From that date onwards, the transaction must always be approved with a combination of at least two of the three security factors:
- Something you know (a PIN or password)
- Something you own (a debit card or smartphone)
- Some form of biometric data (a fingerprint or face scan)
It is therefore no longer sufficient to fill in only the card number, expiration date and CVC code. There must be a double identification by, for example, a password and then a code by text or a confirmation of the transaction via the credit card's app. The aim is to make online payments by credit card safer in accordance with the European directive PSD2 for consumer payments.
Verification through password and text message
After entering your credit card details, you proceed to the second step where you must enter a password (Mastercard ID check, Visa Secure or Amex Safekey). You will then receive a code by text message on the phone number linked to your credit card. You will need to enter this code again on the webpage.
You do not have a password yet? Then you need to request one from your credit card issuer. Please note: this cannot be done during the payment.
Verification through an app
After you have entered your credit card details you will be asked to confirm your payment via your credit card provider's app. To do so, open the app and confirm the payment with, for example, your fingerprint or facial recognition. Then click "Next" on the online payment page to complete the payment.
Authentication via the bank
Do you have a credit card from the bank? After entering your credit card details, you will be asked to confirm your payment via the card reader or the bank's app. It is important that you complete the payment on the online payment page.
Useful links
As you can see, with the new two-step verification, paying online with your credit card has changed a lot. This is not only the case for Sunny Cars, but for all online payments above 30 Euros. We have tried to explain the steps for each situation as clearly as possible. Do you still run into issues? Then it is best to contact the issuer of your credit card for advice on your specific case:
- Rabobank